Katie is the best. She flew all the way to Omaha last week just to see me! (and Cody.) Seriously I could not love her any more. She has always been my best friend and still is. Her and Dan are living in Billings right now, and if all goes as planned, the same summer that we move back to Billings, they will be leaving! arg! That does not make me happy at all. I just love spending time with her. Everyone was shocked that she was coming for 5 days, but it FLEW by. We had such a blast.
We did our fare share of eating while she was here...we have always been good at that! We made her amazing chocolate chip cookies, the best cinnamon rolls I have ever consumed in my entire life (soon to appear on my food blog), german pancakes, frittatas, and many more fattening meals. We also got to go out a couple of times...Panara, Rivera's Mexican restaurant, (where we each consumed way too much on our main dish, then went on to eat 5-6 sopapillas EACH!), and the picture above is from Dixie Quicks, a local Diner, Drive-in, and Dive. We got delish food there, including a CACTUS scramble...seriously? Cactus? It was to die for.
We also hit up about every historical site in Omaha. I really tried to show Katie around the whole city, I am trying to convert her to moving here for Dan's medical school. I just know that they would love it! We went to the Kanesville Tabernacle, the Mormon Trail Center, the temple, the Durham Museum/train station/Abe Lincoln exhibit, shopping, Hobby Lobby x12, and Whole Foods (which she L-O-V-E-D). We also got a pedicure, and that is so much more fun with someone that you love to chat with!
Lastly, she inspired me to change my living room wall! We have had the picture of George Washington and the Prayer at Valley Forge on our living room wall since we have been married. It is a beautiful picture, but I was really needing to have some more personal stuff on our walls. This is what I came up with...I love it. Love it. LOVE IT. We have pictures from our engagements, wedding, Warner's birth, and other family pictures. It is a beautiful reminder of our amazing eternal family!